A surrogate home, a new start, home away from home, social, private, a safe space, work space, play space, independent, at last?
Student housing has many shoes to fill, not least of which is that of a surrogate home for university students, one which needs to balance the competing requirements for true social and private spaces – while considering the metal heath of its occupants. In our current COVID 19 climate, where the term ‘Separation Anxiety’ starts to take on other connotations – we are all anxiously separating ourselves from others, avoiding perceived threats – the space that we live in becomes our isolated safe haven. ‘Cabin Fever’ lurks around the corner.
In this context, how can the architecture of student housing create a space for students which is both separate and together, social and private, open yet controlled, mold and modulation?
Can architecture start to deal with issues such as Separation Anxiety and Cabin Fever?